Tuesday, 13 September 2011

What is a defibrillator?

!±8± What is a defibrillator?

Have you heard of a defibrillator, but what exactly is a defibrillator? A defibrillator is a device that sends electric shocks the heart of a man when his heart is acting illegally. A defibrillator is usually used when a person has an arrhythmia, which is an unusually fast heartbeat.

If the heartbeat is too fast of a person are in danger of a complete system shutdown. If a person's heart begins to race, can not pump blood through the veins and arteries andall the body's vital organs. If your major organs or blood is not enough oxygen, they go down. This is not a good situation, because if your organs are deprived of these vital elements for too long, can be damaged.

A defibrillator sends a jolt to the heart, which slows the heartbeat. Sometimes, the defibrillator shocks must send to the different heart beats before returning to normal.

What is a defibrillator?

An external defibrillatorsomething to bring the emergency technicians when it comes to pulling someone from a cardiac arrest. If you ever see TV, you've probably seen a doctor or other place technetium emergence of the defibrillator pads and shock someone back to reality.

External defibrillators to come in a briefcase. You have a switch, a, battery electrodes, cables and connectors. The control unit holds the battery and circuitry. It has the power or energy, theSay the key input device, the heart requires a shock. The device actually reads the heartbeat of a person and decide if it needs a shock.

The electrodes actually contribute energy to the patient's heart. The energy is transmitted through the wires to the terminals, which are usually passed in the form of two hand paddles. To ensure that the maximum amount of energy is performed, the engineers will put a gel on the chest of an emergency the person. This gel acts as a better conductor than the skin. Thealso protects the skin from the person who burned the energy.

What is an Internal Defibrillator?

An internal defibrillator, or defibrillator implant acts as an external defibrillator. The main difference is that it is surgically placed under the human heart. If a person has an implanted defibrillator, which has serious heart problems. Doctors recommend that patients only if they think it is a great risk that the patient experiences moreabnormal heart beats.

The systems have similar components as the defibrillator external defibrillators, are only within the body. The doctors are very careful to note that a person does defibrillator implantation. After being placed in the body, they run several tests to make sure that the battery up to snuff. They also ask the patient for a check-up about once every three months ago. These tests allow the doctor frequently to keep a watchful eye on the battery. After all, whatis the purpose of a defibrillator, if this fails, the most important energy source? So now the question: "What is a defibrillator?" It can give an intelligent answer.

What is a defibrillator?

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